Johnny´s thirteen. He is living with his parents in a new neighborhood. It´s his first day at a new school. But Jonny is not very happy. He doesn´t know the other kids there.
It´s early in the morning. Outside the sun is shining. Jonny and his mother are talking in the kitchen.
J – But I want to stay with my best friends Tom, Chris and Bobby! What about soccer practice, mom? I´m on the team. Don´t you remember?
M – Of course I do. But you´ll make new friends at your new school, Johnny.
J – But I don´t want to be the ’’new kid’’ that everyone talks about. It´s terrible when other kids make fun of you.
M – I know it´s difficult to change schools, Johnny. And it´s hard to leave good friends. But trust me! After a week, you won´t be the new kid anymore!
J – Come on, Mom! Stop kidding! If I don´t like the new school, I´m not going to stay there. I´m going back to my old school.
Two months later…
It´s lunch time. Johnny is at home. He is in a hurry because he is going out with his friends from his new school. He runs down the stairs. His mother is preparing launch.
J – Bye Mom! I´m going to play soccer with my friends!
M – Hey! Lunch is almost ready! Don´t you want to eat?
J – No thanks, Mom. I´m late! I´ll eat something later!
Johnny´s new school friends are Nick, Lou and Fred. They are classmates. They play soccer on the school team and do lots of things together. They call themselves’’ The Gang’’.
Cynthia is Johnny´s classmates too. When he is not with the gang, he likes to spend time with her. Johnny and Cynthia usually study together. After school, they always chat on the phone.
It´s 10 o´clock in the morning. It´s break time and the kids are chatting in the school yard.
N – Hey, Johnny! Come with us to Fred´s house after school!
J – I can´t. Cynthia and I are going to study together for the exam tomorrow. My mom is going to help us.
N – Come on, Johnny! Fred´s parents are out of town. It´s going to be fun!
F – Yes! Come with us, Johnny!
J – All right, I´ll go! But first, I need to call my mom and Cynthia!
At Fred´s house, the kids are laughing and telling jokes. They are eating junk food and drinking soda. Johnny forgets to call his mother and Cynthia. Later the telephone rings. Toni, Fred´s older brother, answers the phone.
‘’Hello, this is Tony speaking. Who is this? Johnny´s mom… Ok, hold on!’’
T – Hey, Johnny, it´s your mommy on the phone! Ha, ha, ha!
Johnny answers the phone.
‘’Hi Mom…’’
‘’Johnny, your friend Cynthia is looking for you everywhere,’’ his mother says.
‘’What are you doing at Fred´s house? Don´t you have an exam tomorrow?
Johnny is embarrassed. ‘’Sorry mom! I´ll call Cynthia. And I´ll study together, OK? Bye.’’
Johnny hangs up the phone. He turns to his friends.
J – Well, I think my mom is mad at me.
N – Hey, Johnny, don´t worry. All moms are the same. It´s no big deal!
J – Anyway, it´s late. I need to go! Bye, guys!
Tony starts to make fun of Johnny.
‘’Mommy, Mommy, sorry! Hey, and don´t forget to call Cynthia! Ha, ha, ha!’’
J – Shut up ,Tony!
F and N – See you, Johnny!
Later at night, Johnny arrives home. He tells his mother he is going to study the next morning before school. He calls Cynthia and apologizes to her. They talk on the phone for a long time.
The following morning, Johnny is still sleeping. His mother enters his bedroom. She is very upset.
M – Wake up, Johnny! Wake up!
J – Oh, mom… What time is it?
M – It´s 7:45 and you´re late for school! Hurry up and get ready! You don´t have time for breakfast! And by the way, I want to see your exam results later!
Johnny gets a bad grade on the exam. Because of this, he doesn´t want to go home immediately. He decides to go to the Fred´s house with the gang.
The kids play video games all afternoon. Tony has a pack of cigarettes. He takes one and passes the pack to the Fred, Nick and Lou. They all take a cigarette. Tony gives the pack to Johnny.
J – No thanks, Tony. I don´t smoke. Actually, I don’t like cigarettes!
F – Why don´t you try? It´s cool!
Johnny tries to smoke and…
J – Arghhhh! It´s awful!
The boys feels horrible. He starts to cough and to breathe with difficulty. Fred makes fun for him.
F – You don´t know how to smoke, Johnny!
All the kids laugh at Johnny.
Next day at school, Johnny is talking to Cynthia when the boys arrive. He sees them and feels embarrassed.
J – Ok, so… I´ll see you later, Cynthia.
C – Johnny, are we going to study together this afternoon?
J – Well, I´m not sure… I´ll call you, OK?
Johnny leave Cynthia. She is upset. ‘’The Gang’’ asks Johnny if he is dating Cynthia.
J – No, not really!
L – Good! Because we are going to have a party and Julia will be there. She´s crazy about you.
J – Really?
N – Yeah, Johnny. Everybody knows that!
F – Hey, Johnny, you´re a lucky guy! Julia is the best-looking girl at school.
It´s late in the evening. Johnny is at home. He is talking to Cynthia on the phone. She is still upset.
J – Hi, Cynthia. I´m sorry about today. Let´s study together tomorrow after class! We can meet at the library.
C – I don´t think it´s a good idea, Johnny. Every time your friends appear, you act strange around me.
J – Sorry, Cynthia. It´s because… Well, I get embarrassed!
C – No Johnny. I think you are ashamed of me. Listen, a have to go now. Talk to you later.
Johnny is in his room. He is feeling down. He really cares about Cynthia. Now, she is disappointed in him. Suddenly, someone knocks on his bedroom door. It´s his father.
Dad – Johnny… can I come in?
J – Sure Dad!
Dad – Johnny, your mother is a little worried about you. Is everything okay?
J – Not really, Dad. I know mom is disappointed in me, and now Cynthia is upset too…
Johnny´s father sees that his son is sad. He sits down next to him.
Dad – Johnny, sometimes we do things we don´t want to, just to please other people. Sometimes, we hurt people we like. Sometimes, we hurt ourselves.
J – Thanks, Dad!
Johnny´s dad hugs his son.
After class, ‘’the gang’’ arranges the last details of the party. Fred and Lou tell Johnny that Julia will be there. They are going to meet at Fred´s house around 8:00 pm. In the meantime, Johnny tries to tell Cynthia about the party. But she is too busy talk. Later, the kids go to soccer practice. Johnny´s arrive home for the soccer practice. He asks his mother if there are any messages for him. But there are none. He takes a shower and phones Cynthia. He wants to invite her to the party. Johnny is planning to tell her thet he likes her. But Cynthia´s line is always busy. It´s almost 8 o´clock.
J – Mom, I´m going to the party!
M – Do you want your father to pick you up later?
J – No Mom, Nick´s dad is going to give us a ride. Bye!
It´s ‘’party time’’ at Fred´s house. The kids are all excited. Julia is there with a group of girls. Music is playing and some kids are dancing. The boys are in one corner and the girls are in another. Julia smiles at Johnny. The boys encourage Johnny to go and talk to her.
J – Hey, guys, listen. I´m not interested in Julia…
F – Hey, Johnny, she´s smiling at you. Now is your chance!
L – Yeah man! Go and talk to her! Do it for us! Do it for the gang!
Johnny doesn´t want to let his friends down. At the same time, he is thinking about Cynthia. But he finally agrees to talk to Julia.
J – Hi, Julia!
Ju – Oh, hello Johnny. Hey, the guys say you are the best player on the soccer team.
J – Well, I guess I´m all right!
To Johnny´s surprise, Julia puts her arms around him and kisses him. At this moment, Cynthia arrives at the party. She sees Johnny with Julia!
Fred and Lou are next to Cynthia. They decide to teaser her.
F – Johnny is a really lucky guy!
L – Yes, he sure is!
Cynthia looks angrily at Fred and Lou. Then she turns and walks away.
F – Hey, Cynthia, where are you going? Don´t you want to stay for the rest of the party?
C – You guys are really stupid, just like your friend, Johnny!
Cynthia runs quickly out of the house. Just then, Johnny sees her. He turns to Julia.
J – Sorry Julia, but I have to talk to someone.
Johnny runs across the living room. His friends try to stop him, but he pushes them away. He wants to talk to Cynthia before she goes away. Cynthia is already outside. She is crying.
J – Cynthia! Hey, Cynthia! Wait a minute!
C – Johnny, why don´t you go back inside? Your girlfriend is waiting of you.
J – She´s not my girlfriend. I don´t care about her. I´m hanging out with the gang just to be cool.
C – I don´t believe you, Johnny!
J – Cynthia, I really care about you. The party is over for me too. Let me take your home.
C - No thanks. My father is coming to pick me up. Look, that´s him now.
A car stops in front of the house. Johnny looks at Cynthia. For the first time, she sees that he is really sad.
As Johnny starts to walk away, he is thinking – ‘’I´m really stupid. Now I know I really like Cynthia but she hates me.’’
Cynthia enters the car. Johnny is walking away when he hears a voice.
C – Hey, Johnny! We can take your home if you want.
Johnny turns round and sees Cynthia smiling at him.
Another school day is beginning. Johnny is having breakfast with his mother.
M – What time will you be home, Johnny?
J – Well, Mom, after class I have soccer. Then I´m meeting Cynthia. We´re doing a geography project together.
M – Remember your first day at school? Now, look at you! You´re not the ‘’new kid’’ anymore, son.
J – You´re wrong, Mom. I AM a ''new kid''!
He grabs his backpack, kisses his mother and goes to school.